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Meet Tejo: Valorant's newest Initiator agent

Published at :January 8, 2025 at 1:24 PM
Modified at :January 8, 2025 at 1:24 PM
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(Courtesy : Riot Games)

Mahaksh Chouhan

This hero is broken

Riot Games have finally confirmed that Tejo, the newest hero will be arriving in Valorant on January 8, 2025, with Season 2025 Act 1. This will be a starting-act release when Episode 9 Act 3 concludes.

Agent 27, as revealed in the gameplay teaser, has set his sights on the Valorant agent pool. The update will be available after a two-hour maintenance break. Let’s check out more details in this article.

Update timings

The following are the regional timings for the maintenance that will result in the Tejo update release:

  • Asia Pacific: January 8, 2025, 2:00 p.m. PT
  • Brazil: January 8, at 6:00 p.m. Brasilia
  • Europe: January 8, at 11:00 p.m. CET
  • Japan: January 9, 2025, 6:00 a.m. JST
  • India: January 9, 2025, at 2:30 a.m. IST

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Newest character abilities

Stealth Drone (C)

His stealth drone ability mirrors the ability of Sova’s Owl Drone but with an enhanced stealth feature. Once activated, you can hurl this drone forward and control its movements. Unlike its sibling, the Stealth Drone is unseen until it approaches attackers, providing a strategic advantage.

When you get close to an enemy, use the Fire button to reveal and defeat them. This ability is very powerful against Sentinels like Sage and Cypher, making it a valuable weapon for eliminating defenses.

Special Delivery (Q)

I liked the name of this ability. This features a sticky grenade that quickly stuns foes. After equipping, you can throw this grenade, which will ricochet off surfaces before detonating, concussing any enemies caught in its blast.

With the ALT fire, you can choose between one or two bounces, enabling more precise stun delivery, similar to combining Sova’s Recon dart and Neon’s concussive power.

Guided Salvo (E)

His signature move, ‘Guided Salvo,’ creates a tactical map akin to Brimstone’s capabilities. You can select two target areas and launch missiles with a delay before they detonate, causing significant damage. This ability is ideal for causing damage from a distance and dominating space on the map.

Armageddon (X)

Another cool name for his ultimate. This uses a tactical map to choose areas. Once you’ve determined the route and endpoint, confirm the strike to launch a deadly air attack over the designated area. This move causes a lot of damage and functions similarly to Breach’s ultimate but with a concentration on damage over crowd management.

Tejo’s skill set not only improves teamwork but also brings new techniques for map management and offensive play. With his arrival, Valorant’s approach to initiators will change.

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