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BGMI best android zero recoil sensitivity & control code

Published at :January 12, 2025 at 11:00 PM
Modified at :January 12, 2025 at 11:00 PM
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(Courtesy : BGMI)

Mahaksh Chouhan

Master the recoil art

BGMI is all fun and exciting to play whether you are playing alone or with friends. Sometimes this fun turns into competitive spirit and getting better in the game becomes the next goal for many players.

One of the most fundamental issues that everyone faces is with the recoil and sensitivity. If you can master those, then you are already better than most of the players. Let’s check out some best zero recoil sensitivity that will help you a lot in the game.

What makes sensitivity so crucial in BGMI?

Sensitivity settings are a very important aspect of the game. Whether going for long-range, mid-range, or even close-range combat, it all depends on how fast and smoothly you can react. How well can you track the moving targets with precision, manga recoil properly and shift your aim accordingly. Here’s how you can optimize your settings:

  • The Gyroscope function in BGMI is available in two versions: ‘Scope on Gyroscope’, which activates only while aiming down sights (ADS), and ‘Full Gyroscope’, which controls all character movements, including hip firing. A full Gyroscope is very useful for individuals aiming to succeed in mid to long-range combat since it provides improved mobility and reaction speeds.

Also Read: BGMI Scout control settings & sensitivity

Best Gyroscope Sensitivity Codes for Android:

  • 7307-1085-6780-4282-435
  • 7238-4245-4286-7096-036

For Non-Gyroscope Users:

  • 6983-8762-7023-5848-120

These codes were first published by AFKGaming on their website.

How to fine-tune your sensitivity?

Now I am pretty sure that many of you will find a lot of difficulty at the start. However, you have to practice a lot in order to get better and fully adjusted to the settings.

Also, there is no rule that you have to use only these commands. You can fine-tune your settings and tweak them according to your comfort. It’s more like a trial and error but I promise you that you will find success very soon. Just make sure to practice daily and you will get better day by day.

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