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Top five town hall 12 defensive bases in Clash of Clans

Published at :September 5, 2024 at 8:18 PM
Modified at :September 5, 2024 at 8:18 PM
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(Courtesy : Clash of Clans)

Mahaksh Chouhan

Some new TH12 defensive bases in COC

Reaching TH12 takes time and effort in Clash of Clans, and in this article, we will talk about the newest top five town hall 12 defensive bases that you can apply in your base. 

This will not only help you defend your base against daily raids from other players, but it will also work well in clan wars. Saving stars and loot always takes priority in the defense. Let’s check out the bases and their description in this article.

5. Anti-Everything Town Hall 12 (Anti-Dragon)

This is one of the town hall 12 defensive bases where you can not only save base by getting three stars in wars, but it also saves your loot a lot.

It is built quite open and spread, which helps the raid to slow down. It’s very difficult to raid it from the center, and troops always spread out due to its build. You can place your storage separately from each other, which will make it tough for the attacker to raid all of them. Dragons and Electro Dragons don’t work well on this.

4. Anti-3-Star TH 12 defensive base

This base may be a little similar to the previous one, but it defends against every attack no matter what. It is effective against both ground and air attacks.

Well-positioned mage and archer towers and good placements of traps make it hard to get a three-star attack on it. The Teslas placed outside also make it difficult to use air attacks or spam dragons and ballons on this base.

3. One of the best town hall 12 defensive bases (Anti Pekka)

This base is a nightmare for the raiders who are after your loot or in the clan wars. If you have one of the best skill sets in the game, then only you can achieve a three-star on this base. 

The Mass Pekka strategy also doesn’t work on this. Smart trap and storage placements make it harder to get stars. If you are looking for a base, especially for clan wars in COC, then you should go with this one.

2. Best loot saver TH12 defensive base

To upgrade your base, your troops, your heroes, and other things, you need a lot of resources as you reach higher levels. So saving them from other users also becomes one of the game’s top priorities.

This TH12 defensive base helps you to achieve that. In this base, your gold and elixirs become the top priorities. They are closely guarded with more defense and traps which are placed smartly everywhere. A great piece of advice would be to make sure you don’t use this base in clan wars. 

1. Anti Everything (Useful in saving loot and stars)

This is the last town hall 12 defensive bases, which can provide defense for everything. It is useful in wars where you can prevent your base from getting three stars. This base also saves your loot a lot from the raiders.

The compactness and well-placed air defense make it challenging for air attack strategies. With this, we conclude our list for the best town hall 12 defensive bases in COC right now, which you can apply for. 

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