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The Undertaker reveals shocking facts about his injuries and health in last eight years of his WWE career

Published at :February 26, 2024 at 6:55 PM
Modified at :February 26, 2024 at 6:55 PM
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Akash Dhanagaran

The Undertaker is one of the greatest wrestlers of all time, who had a long wrestling career of more than three decades (33 years). He is one of the most popular wrestlers with a great fan base across the world, despite being a horrifying and dark character. 

Taker had his last match at WrestleMania 36 against and retired from in-ring action. He then got inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2022. Taker is away from in-ring action for almost 4 years and is currently enjoying his retirement. Undertaker has been doing podcasts and live fans meet and has been discussing his journey. In his recent podcast, Taker addressed his health condition and how he would have lasted longer inside the ring.

The Undertaker on Talent Buses & his health

Mark Calaway (aka The Undertaker) on his Six Feet Under Podcast spoke about the tour buses for WWE talents. The Undertaker said,

“There’s a lot of talent buses, you got crew buses. Hell, there’s 30 semis full of their sets.

Undertaker was asked about if he believed that the talents are still gathered backstage in the locker rooms in the way they had. To which Taker was unsure and said

“I don’t think so. I mean, why would you, really? Yeah, I mean, there is something to camaraderie and all of that”

Taker continued about his time in the tour bus, where he used to spend most of the time after his matches. Taker then sId that he believed that he would have delivered some quality matches, lasting longer if he took care of himself. Taker opened up to reveal that he suffered health issue during the last seven to eight years.

Taker said,

“I would have had higher quality matches, I would have I think I mean, even I lasted for as long as I did. I think I might have even lasted longer if I had been able to take that kind of care of myself. The struggle for me those last seven-eight years, it was just health. There was nothing really that happened or could happen that I didn’t feel I had a grasp on how to handle it or how to make it work. That part was second nature at that point, but physically trying to perform and keep myself at a level where I could perform.”

Taker then jokingly said that if he went to the bus sooner and had some nap, he would have still wrestled at a high level.

“If I got on the bus sooner, and maybe slept a few more nights in the 90s? Hell, I might be still wrestling right now. Yeah, at a high level, it would have helped, but in the 90s, I started in a hole.”

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