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WWE Raw Results & Winners (October 23, 2023): Judgment Day runs Monday Night Raw

Published at :October 24, 2023 at 3:15 PM
Modified at :October 24, 2023 at 3:15 PM
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Akash Dhanagaran

Priest broke Cody's Ankle, Rhea tried to recruit Rollins, Cody vs Priest for Crown Jewel, Contract signing ended in a brawl, Ricochet took Logan & Dom, Priest defeated Jey, McIntyre defeated Zayn with Mami's assist, Becky retains and much more!

The October 23, 2023 episode of Monday Night Raw is officially over, as it turned out into one of the best shows in recent times. The show featured a number of epic battles, interesting in-ring and backstage segments. Get to know what happened on this week's episode of WWE Raw as we came with the full summary of the show including results, ratings and winners list.

WWE Raw Summary

Judgment Day

Damien Priest & Finn Balor of Judgment Day kicked-off Monday Night Raw. Balor said that he is feeling good and is looking to do something good tonight. Priest said that everything is falling good for The Judgment Day and is expecting a great night.

Cody Rhodes interrupted them and said that he has some words for the leader of Judgment Day, but Rhea is not there. He felt like Rhea is not only the Mami of Dom Dom, but also to Priest & Balor. Cody had some words to Damien Priest, he said that he low-blew him last week and thought he would end him, but he couldn't. Priest then said that Cody too couldn't end his storyline, as he already failed in it. Cody said that he is ready to show that he can finish it by finishing Priest first.

Priest said that he has match with Jey tonight and instead challenged him to a match at Crown Jewel. Cody accepted the challenge and wanted him to show a preview tonight. As Priest and Balor got ready to fight, Rhea Ripley and Dominik marched their way to the ring. Jey attacked Dom from behind, as Cody took both Balor and Priest. JD McDonagh came from nowhere and attacked Cody's leg. He set the chair to break Cody's leg, as Priest blew a shot on his leg. Cody suffered pain, Judgment Day walked their way backstage.

Ratings: 4.5/5

Alpha Academy vs The New Day

Chad Gable and Xavier Woods started the match. They both look for a take down, but Xavier Woods had the initial advantage. Woods drop kicked and slammed Gable to tag Kofi to deliver some combination. Gable turned the momentum with an Ankle lock and sending Kofi down. Woods who tried to hit a clothesline, got shoulder tackled by Otis. Kofi went flying by a overhead throw made Alpha Academy having the initial advantage.

After the commercial, Otis tagged Gable and Kofi tagged Woods. Woods was fired-up, who laid Gable down with a spinning powerslam. Gable countered his next move and took Woods down with three Suplexes. Otis tagged in lifted Woods over his shoulder and Gable delivers a bull dog from the top rope.

Otis delivered a Caterpillar to Kofi and sends him out. Woods took Otis down and looks for his version of reverse Caterpillar, but Gable tagged in and locked him with a Ankle Lock. Woods turned it into a roll down and Gable escapes to tag Otis in. Woods tag Kofi in, Kofi hit a Trouble in Paradise and Woods delivered a Elbow drop from the top rope on Otis for the win.

Winners: The New Day Ratings: 4.5/5


Seth Rollins met Rhea Ripley backstage and noted that Judgment Day is not there with her and asks if she is looking for Drew McIntyre. Rhea is confident that the World Champion will be in Judgment Day and tried to recruit Rollins. She said that, if Seth wishes to be with Judgment Day, they will have his back and make Priest cash it on Roman Reigns instead of him.

Ratings: 4/5

NXT Women's Championship Match- Becky Lynch vs Indi Hartwell

Indi Hartwell had a fiery start to the match with a Clothesline, powerslam and a throw down through the barricade. After the commercial, Indi kicked Becky and delivered a elbow drop to the spine from the top rope. Becky delivered a Face-burster, & Indi soon fought back with a big boot.

Both took the fight to the top rope, as Becky delivered a Super-plex from there. Becky tried for an Armbar, but Indi countered with a Powerbomb. Becky fought back by escaping full nelson and converted to a Dis-Armer for the win to retain the NXT Women's championship.

Indi got appreciated by Becky & WWE Universe for a great performance. Becky had a quick face-off with Lyra Valkyria and went. At backstage, Xia Lee attacked Candice LeRae to send a message to Indi & Candice.

Winner: Becky Lynch Ratings: 4/5


Adam Pearce had some words with securities as the contract signing for the Women's World Championship match between the five top women's of Raw is Next. The SmackDown General Manager, Nick Aldis was nearby him, as he apologize for what happened on SmackDown. As he is the full control of the "No.1 Show" he had to do that. Pearce advised Aldis to be here and learn how to handle when a chaotic situation arise.

Ratings: 3/5

Women's World Championship- Contract Signing

Adam Pearce, surrounded by securities outside the ring introduced the challengers one-by-one to sign the contract. As all of them signed the contract, Pearce said that Rhea is not here and he assures to get the contract got signed by her. Ripley however marched to the ring and said that she will make Adam Pearce' his's life a living hell, as he made the Fatal 5-way Match. However she believes that she wil remain as the champ as "Mami is always on the top".

Nia Jax took the mic from Pearce and started mocking the champ. As she tries to mock Raquel, Raquel hit Nia on the face to kick-start the brawl. Securities tried to stop all the four, but they threw the securities away. Nia and Raquel cleared the ring. Jax delivered an Annihilator to Raquel and had a stare down on the champ.

Ratings: 4/5

Giovanni Vinci vs Johnny Gargano

Vinci with a fiery start, as he controlled Gargano with chops, slam to the knee, slam to the floor and an uppercut. Vinci sent Gargano to the apron, but Gargano delivered a Springboard Spear through the middle rope. Vinci tried to quickly powerbomb Gargano, but Gargano countered the move with a superkick.

When Kaiser tried to enter the ring, Ciampa came out of nowhere and pulled Kaiser down. Gargano delivered "One final B-DDT" on Vinci and picked the win. Ciampa and Gargano celebrated the victory an their reunion in the center of the ring with a hug.

Winner: Johnny Gargano Ratings: 3.5/5

Logan Paul

Logan Paul returned to the ring and spoke about how he knocked Dillion Danes in a exhibition boxing match. He gave an update that he not only knocked Dillion Danes, but also made him lose his job. Logan (teases CM Punk return) said that he is also a free agent and would never show up after winning the United States Championship from Rey at Crown Jewel.

Dominik Mysterio interrupted Logan, as Logan appreciated Dom for being the champion of the entire North America after leaving his dead beat dad. Logan then called out Ring announcer, Samantha Irwin to the ring and asked her to introduce him as the New United States Champion, as a preview of Fastlane.

Ricochet came out of nowhere and took Logan down. He hit Dom with a running knee, made them retreat and checks her fiancé Samantha.

Ratings: 4.5/5

Chelsea Green & Piper Niven vs Natalya & ???

Nikki Cross returned to the ring as the mystery partner of Natalya to face the WWE Women's Tag Team Champions, Chelsea Green & Piper Niven. Green and Niven dominated Natalya throughout the match with their combination moves.

Nikki Cross came like as if she seen a ghost and walked during the middle of the match, without entering the ring. The match became became a two-on-one handicap match. Where Green delivered a Cult Switch and Niven hit a Cross body for the win.

Winner: Chelsea Green & Piper Niven Ratings: 3/5


Drew McIntyre met Jey backstage and said that he feels bad for him for losing the Tag Team titles last week by the number games of Judgment Day. However he sees it as a Karma of what Jey done while he was with Roman Reigns in the Bloodline.

The Miz met Raw General Manager Adam Pearce and expressed his frustrations of not being booked for the show in weeks. He said that Nick Aldis knows how worthy he is than Pearce. Rhea Ripley interrupts them and handed over the signed contract to Pearce and walked through to meet Dom, who got hit by Ricochet.

Drew McIntyre vs Sami Zayn

As the match started, both showcase their strengths by locking their shoulders. Zayn hit a couple of shoulder tackle and went for the third after hitting a chop to the chest, where McIntyre took him down. McIntyre gave a number of chops to Zayn's chest.

Sami and Drew took the fight outside the ring, as Sami delivered a Moonsault from the barricade. Returning to the ting Drew took control and hit a vertical Suplex. Both tries to chop each other's chest bones. Zayn then hit him with a Clothesline and sent Drew out. Zayn tried for a sling board crossbody, but Drew caught him and threw him though the commentary table.

After the commercial, took control with a vertical-suplex. He sent McIntyre out and delivered a Suicide dive. Sami went for the top rope, McIntyre stopped him, but Zayn delivered a sunset powerbomb. Zayn tried for a Blue Thunder-bomb, but McIntyre hit him with a Glasco Kiss. McIntyre went for Claymore, but Zayn hit him with a big boot and delivered the Blue Thunder-bomb.

Zayn tried for a exploder suplex, but he couldn't lift him. Drew took Sami down and measured for a Claymore, where Rhea Ripley marched to the ring. Sami tried to roll down, and then hit him with a Exploder suplex. Zayn measured for a Helluva-kick, but Rhea diverted him. McIntyre used the distraction and delivered a Claymore for the win.

Winner: Drew McIntyre Ratings: 4.5/5

Bronson Reed vs Akira Tozawa

Tozawa started the match with a chop and rapid strikes, but Reed ran through him, hit him with a elbow drop and a running splash. Tozawa tried to fight back with a overhead kick, but Reed soon turned him down. Reed delivered a Samoan Drop, Senton and Tsunami and picked-up the win.

Winner: Bronson Reed Ratings: 3.5/5

Jey Uso vs Damien Priest

Jey stroked first with punches to the ribs locking Priest in the corner. Priest however took brief control with a spinning kick, knee strike and a throwdown. Priest tried to splash Jey, but ended up hitting face-first on the ring post. Jey sent Priest out and delivers a suicide dive.

After the commercial, Priest locked Jey's head, hit him with a splash and delivered a vertical Suplex. Jey and Peiesr exchange hands in the center of the ring, with Jey having the upper hand. Jey hit a kick to the face and delivered a Crossbody from top of the rope.

Priest quickly stood up and hit a right hand to knock Jey down. Priest tried to chokeslam  but Jey counters with a kick to the mid section, a signature punch to the face and a Samoan drop. Priest scrolls out, Jey tried for a suicide dive as Priest caught him and hit face first to the commentary desk. Jey delivered a spear and Uso Splash, but Priest ran to the ring to stop the count. Jey sent him down, but Priest delivers a Chokeslam for the win.

After the match, Finn Balor and Damien Priest attacked Jey Uso. Balor delivers a Coupe de Grace and both tries to destroy Jey with the steel chair. Cody Rhodes with a broken ankle walks to the ring and attacked both single handedly. Cody tried to break Priest's ankle, but Balor saved him.

Winner: Damien Priest Ratings: 4.5/5

WWE Raw Results

  • The New Day defeated Alpha Academy by pinfall, as Woods pinned Otis.
  • Becky Lynch defeated Indi Hartwell by submission to retain the NXT Women's Championship.
  • Johnny Gargano defeated Giovanni Vinci by pinfall, after Ciampa countered Kaiser's distraction.
  • Chelsea Green & Piper Niven defeated Natalya & Nikki Cross by Pinfall after Nikki Cross waled out.
  • Drew McIntyre defeated Sami Zayn by pinfall after the distraction by Rhea Ripley.
  • Bronson Reed defeated Akira Tozawa by pinfall following Tsunami.
  • Damien Priest defeated Jey Uso by pinfall after distraction by Finn Balor.