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WWE RAW Results, Highlights & Winners (February 26, 2024): Cody Rhodes ruins Paul Heyman's plan

Published at :February 27, 2024 at 10:31 AM
Modified at :February 27, 2024 at 10:31 AM
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Akash Dhanagaran

Imprerium wins Street Fight, McIntyre & Rollins had face-off, Muliple opponents teased for Gunther’s IC title & much more!

The February 26, 2024 episode of Monday Night Raw is officially over and it is one of the must wach episode in recent times. This is the Elimination Chamber fallout episode of WWE Raw, which showcased some of the extreme matches and futuristic segments. Get to know, what happened on this week’s episode of Raw, as we came out with the complete summary, highlights, results & grades of this week’s episode of Raw.

WWE Raw Summary & Highlights

Mami! & The Man!

Rhea Ripley & Becky Lynch WWE

Dominik Mysterio kicks-off Monday Night Raw & he introduces Rhea “Bloody” Ripley. Rhea welcomed everyone to Monday Night Mami! She addresses her win against Nia Jax at her home country. Ripley claims that no one can stop from Mami being on top and Becky Lynch interrupts.

Becky Lynch congratulated Rhea Ripley for a great night in Perth, Australia. Lynch says that a main event win infront of their family is great, but she asks not to bring them to WrestleMania to watch her lose. Dom says that no one talks to Mami like this and Lynch shuts him. Lynch says that there isn’t anything that The Man cannot do. Ripley says that one cannot disrespect The Latino Heat. Ripley claims that Becky is not on her level, there is a Man behind every Women. He says that the Mami is not behind the Man! Because Mami is always on top.

As Ripley leaves the ring, Nia Jax attacked Becky Lynch from the back and looked for an Annihilator, but officials saved her. Pearce sent Nia to walk backstage.

Backstage Interview- Nia Jax

Nia Jax was asked about why she attacked Becky Lynch. Jax claims that although Becky won the chamber, it should be her who should be going to WrestleMania as she beat Lynch clean. Jax on her match with Liv later tonight said that she will be giving 10 times the punishment Lynch got moments ago.

Sami Zayn vs Shinsuke Nakamura

Sami Zayn vs Shinsuke Nakamura WWE
Sami Zayn vs Shinsuke Nakamura WWE

Nakamura hit a cheap shot to the ribs and locks Sami Zayn’s head. Sami hit an arm drag and Nakamura hit a couple of shot on his ribs to send him out. Zayn hit a moonsault from the barricade. It seems like Zayn injured his ribs and commercial hits.

After the commercial, Nakamura locked Zayn with an extension and laid him over the turnbuckle to hit him with a couple of knee strikes to the ribcage. Sami hit a clothesline and takes down Nakamura. Zayn delivered a Fantom Driver and hit a Tornando DDT from the top rope. Shinsuke rolls out, Sami looks for a suicide dive, but Nakamura striked him and hit a DDT, face first on the Apron.

Sami Zayn after the commercial tried to fight back, but Nakamura hit a kick to the back of thr head. Shinsuke measured for a Kinshasa, but Sami hit a Blue-Thunder Bomb. Zayn looks for a Helluva Kick, but Nakamura hit him with the knee to the back and back of the head. Nakamura took Zayn out of the ring, over the barricade.

Nakamura hit a knee to the head and entered the rjng for a count out. Sami breaks the count and enters the ring at 9, Nakamura hit a Kinshasa, Sami broke the pinfall with landing his leg on the bottom rope. Shinsuke went for another Kinshasa, Sami moved and hit an Helluva Kick back of the head and another regular kick to pull the win.

Chelsea Green vs Raquel Rodriguez

Chelsea Green took a mic on her hand and said that Raquel Rodriguez took her spot at Elimination Chamber only to travel half way across the globe and lose. Raquel interfered. Chelsea drew a line and asked Raquel to not cross the line. Raquel crossed and Chelsea slapped her. Raquel hit a vicious clothesline an overhead throw and a Texana Bomb for the win.

Backstage Interview- Sami Zayn

Sami Zayn was interfered backstage where Sami spoke about his win tonight and how his win matters for him. Zayn says that he will now find a way to win a championship at WrestleMania. Imperium walked starring Sami Zayn and Gunther went with a stare.

Backstage Interview- Cody Rhodes

Cody Rhodes was asked about challenging The Rock ahead of WrestleMania. Cody said that it is simple, Rock slapped him and he wants to slap him back. Cody was asked about Waller’s match tonight. Cody says that Waller is something beyond mic. He had been with Waller a couple of times on his talk show, but this time he will be facing him in a fight in the main event.

Imperium & The Judgment Day

Imperium & The Judgment Day WWE

Gunther came with Ludwig Kaiser & Giovanni Vinci to the ring. Gunther addressed his win against Jey Uso last week. He accepts that it was a close match and thought of losing the match, but says that no one is perfect. Gunther says that he worked for the last two year to make the title proud. Gunther asked who will challenge him at WrestleMania 40. Gunther says that he beat them all and no one left. Judgment Day interrupts.

Priest says that Judgment Day plans to add more gold to their faction, which includes Gunther’s Intercontinental Champion. Gunther said that is Priest going to cash in his Money in the Bank or Finn going to challenge him or the Big head going to fight him. Dom confronts Gunther and says that the title belongs to them. Ring General pushed Dom. Priest tried to attack Gunther, but fellow Judgment Day members stopped them.


Ripley met Dom and asked is he fighting Gunther for the IC title. Dom says that he got him. Dom met Andrade and he said that he looks to meet Adam Pearce and about facing Dominik in his first match.

Street Fight- Imperium vs The New Day

Street Fight- The New Day vs Imperium

The match began while New Day were making their way to the ring. Imperium atracked New Day and Woods came out with a trampoline to attack them. They fought their way to the ring, while Woods & Kingston introduce Tables to the match, Vinci & Kaiser attacked them from the back. New Day sent Imperium out of the ring and took them down flying over and slide kicking them.

After the commercial, Imperium took control of the match and took chair to attack Woods’ mid section. Vinci and Kaiser made Woods hanging and planted chair to kick him on the mid section. Kofi is back on the feet. He took Vinci with a SOS and slammed Kaiser over him. Kofi went on to lay the table outside the ring and double suplex them over it. However Imperium took him out. Woods came to fight, but Imperium took them out by swinging the Kendo sticks on his back.

They laid Woods on the stairs and tried to squash his head, but Kofi saved him. Vinci took Kofi down with a devastating Clothesline and they again took control of Woods with a series of strikes with the stick and chair. After the commercial, Kofi threw McAfee’s chair on Kaiser and took him to the ring. Woods and Kingston took beat him with the Kendo sticks on his back.

New Day brought the tables and laid down outside the ring. Vinci is laid on the table and Woods hit an elbow drop on him to break the table. Kofi and Woods took Vinci to the ring looking for a pinfall, but Kaiser saved the match. 

Kofi went for the top rope, Vinci pushed him to the table outside the ring, breaking it. Woods got hit with the kendo stick on the face and Kaiser sent him face first to the chair hinged between the ropes and pinned him for the win.

Backstage- Chad Gable

Chad Gable met Adam Pearce and asked for a match with Gunther for the Intercontinental Championship at WrestleMania. He has a valid reason as he already put him down and was close to end his reig. Gable says that this time he wants the shot for his daughter, who cried after Gunther defeated him.

Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark vs Indi Hartwell & Candice LeRae

Candice and Shayna starts the match. Candice took control of the match early with a step up enzigiri. She took Baszler down and pushed Zoey out. When looked for a DDT, Baszler caught her and changed the momentum. Zoey got tagged in and she punishes LeRae. Zoey threw Candice upside down. LeRae tagged Indi in and she took Zoey with a spine burster. Indi pushed Zoey to the ropes and Baszler tags in. While Indi tried to pin Zoey, Baszler locked her with a Kirifuda Clutch and Indi tapped out.


DIY & The Miz met R-Truth backstage and discussed their plan to take revenge on The Judgment Day.

Drew McIntyre & Seth Rollins

Drew McIntyre WWE

Drew says that we did it and thanked his fans as they prayed so hard for him to win and challenge Seth Rollins at WrestleMania 40. Drew addressed his win and says that he is not CM Punk and nothing can stop him from going to Mania. McInytre sat like Punk and takes shots on Punk. He then called out Seth “Freakin” Rollins to the ring.

Drew points his finger to the WrestleMania 40 sign. Rollins congratulated Drew for winning the Elimination Chamber. Rollins says that he got one more chance for the World title at WrestleMania, but this time infront of the live crowd. However there is one big block that his Seth Rollins. Drew asked Rollins to stop interfering in Rock, Cody Rhodes, Roman Reigns business and concentrate on their match for the sake of them.

Seth Rollins appreciates Drew for his concern, but some risks has worth. He says that Drew may be right as Bloodline could injure him again, but Drew may be wrong as he said some risks are worth taking. Rollins says that The Bloodline is bigger than them. No matter who is the World Champion at WrestleMania, they need to take down Bloodline.

Liv Morgan vs Nia Jax

Liv Morgan vs Nia Jax WWE

Liv Morgan hit a drop kick, a back splash and a knee to thr face of Jax right away. However Jax hit a Samoan Drop and splashed her in the corner. Jax mocked Rikishi’s move and tried to break Liv’s knee and swinged her to the turnbuckle. Jax went for a leg drop on the apron, but Liv escaped. Jax landed down and Live hit her with a suicide dive to lay her down.

After the commercial, Liv hit a step up enzigiri. Nia ran over her and when looking for a senton, Liv moved. Liv hit a missile drop kick and a Cod breaker of the middle rope, but not enough to pin Jax. Jax hit a headbutt on Jax and when went for a spear to the corner, landed shoulder first to the ring post. Jax then caught Liv on her shoulder and broke Liv in half. Becky Lynch came from nowhere and jumped over Jax to end the match in a no contest.


Becky Lynch explained her actions to Adam Pearce and made a match with Nia Jax official for next week. After Pearce walked away, Liv yelled Lynch for crossing her path again and again and not everything is her battle.

Backstage Interview- Jey Uso

Jey Uso was interviewed Backstage and he was asked about last week’s loss to Gunther. Jey said that he was so close to winning his first singles championship, but Jimmy showed up again and again to spoil his title win. As Jey speaks, Drew McIntyre interfered him and said that he deserves that. Jey attacked Drew. As they fight, officials separated them.

Cody Rhodes vs Grayson Waller

Cody Rhodes vs Grayson Waller WWE

Cody & Grayson takle each others grapple mobes and Waller lands the initial strike. Waller strikes Cody’s head back to back. Cody hit a vertical suplex and hit a clothesline to send Waller out of the ring. Michael Cole on the commentary gave an update that Paul Heyman just arrived backstage.

During the commercial, Waller hit a rolling Flatliner. Waller hit a kick to the face, but Cody soon gained the momentum, hit him with a powerslam and a disaster kick. Theory came to distract Cody, but Cody sent Theory out with a suicide dive. Waller took Cody to the ring and went for a Rolling Flatliner, but Cody countered it and hit a Cody Cutter and Cross Rhodes for the win.

Paul Heyman & Cody Rhodes

Paul Heyman interfered Cody Rhodes’ celebration and came out with three NYPD officials. Cody took a chair and mic on his hands and asked The Bloodline to come and face them. Heyman says that he is the only Bloodline member in Raw.

Paul Heyman asked Cody Rhodes to withdraw the challenge from The Rock or else… Cody says that everyone was a fan of Rock, but he is done being nice and asked him to come and get. Heyman sent three members to surrounded Cody. Cody warned them and took all the three out with the chair. Paul Heyman took two phone and called both Roman Reigns & The Rock. Cody said that the Bloodline will not be hunting him, instead he will hunt them. Heyman went speaking to both Rock & Roman through phone an Raw ended.

Raw Results

  • Sami Zayn defeated Shinsuke Nakamura by pinfall.
  • Raquel Rodriguez defeated Chelsea Green by pinfall.
  • Ludwig Kaiser & Giovanni Vinci of Imperium defeated The New Day.
  • Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark defeated Indi Hartwell & Candice LeRae.
  • Liv Morgan vs Nia Jax ended in a no contest.
  • Cody Rhodes defeated Grayson Waller by pinfall.
  • Paul Heyman asked Cody Rhodes to withdraw his challenge on The Rock.

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