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Report: Katsumi Yusa threatens to approach FIFA against Chennai City FC

Published at :May 8, 2020 at 1:26 AM
Modified at :December 13, 2023 at 1:01 PM
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(Courtesy : I-League Media)

Tarkesh Jha

The Japanese midfielder has demanded the club to pay his dues for the month of April.

I-League side Chennai City FC terminated the contracts of their foreign players by activating the force majeure clause amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. However, their Japanese attacking midfielder Katsumi Yusa has taken a step forward to threaten the club to move to FIFA regarding the issue.

The 31-year-old demands for the club to pay him off his dues. Clearly, this decision by the club hasn’t pleased their international recruits. It is believed that Spanish players such as Roberto Eslava Suarez, Sandro Rodriguez, Nauzet Santana might follow Katsumi’s route too. The foreigners had a year left in their contracts.

Though, it is interesting to delve deeper into Katsumi’s demands. Apparently, he wants Chennai City to pay him his dues for the month of April, 2020. Moreover, he returned back from the country six days after their last I-League encounter against Neroca FC that took place on the 14th of March. Subsequently, he desires for the club to pay for his airfare too. Overall, the costs boil down to approximately ₹5.3 lakh.

The Football Players Association of India (FPAI) is conciliating between Katsumi Yusa and Chennai City FC. They claimed that the player wants this issue to be resolved peacefully so that they do not have to knock FIFA’s door. Their perspective is that the club utilised his image for promotional activities on social media even in April, despite having triggered the force majeure clause from March.

“It meant that he still had a running contract with them for the month. Katsumi's lawyers had written to CCFC, explaining every aspect. Now, we await CCFC's response. If we don't get a favourable reply by the end of this week, we will go directly to FIFA,” FPAI general manager Cyrus Confectioner mentioned to The Times of India.   

Katsumi Yusa is no novice with respect to taking the legal route to justifiably recover his dues. A few months back, FIFA’s Dispute Resolution Chamber had made East Bengal pay ₹17 lakh to the midfielder to clear off his pending fees. Further, Confectioner has professed that Japan’s football players’ association is quite resolute and Katsumi has already informed them about his potential dispute with Chennai City FC.

Interestingly, Rohit Ramesh, the club’s President put out his version of the story whilst speaking to The Times of India. He remarked, “Negotiations are in place and we have been speaking to the player and his lawyers. After receiving his letter, we have reverted saying that we can pay till March. We now await Katsumi's reply. But we are hopeful that he will understand our situation.”

On the other hand, it’s not just Katsumi Yusa who is disgruntled with the club’s conduct. The aforementioned Spaniards have also submitted their letters to Chennai City and asked for their respective payments. Rohit asserts that they have followed FIFA’s guidelines whilst activating the force majeure clause. He even goes to the extent of claiming that the club’s hands are currently tied.

However, he sent out an arguably frail assurance by stating, “If the situation improves and they don't sign contracts with other clubs, we might recruit them again.”




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