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WWE Fastlane Results & Winners: Cody Rhodes & Jey Uso wins Tag Team Golds

Published at :October 8, 2023 at 2:58 PM
Modified at :October 8, 2023 at 2:58 PM
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Akash Dhanagaran

Cody & Jey wins Tag Team Championship, Carlito returns, Pat McAfee returns, IYO retains, Rollins stood tall and much more!

The 2023 Fastlane is the show of babyfaces, where the villains got destroyed. Five top level matches were featured in the Premium Live Event, with three matches from the SmackDown brand and two matches from the Raw brand. This is one of the decent events with great showcase of in-ring athleticism. Know what happens on the 2023 WWE Fastlane, as we came up with the complete summary of the event along with results, ratings and winners list.

Fastlane Summary

Jade Cargill

During the kick-off of Fastlane, Jade Cargill entered the arena and was telecasted for the first time in WWE. She arrived in a car and was welcomed by Triple H.

Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championship Match

The Fastlane kicked-off with the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championship Match. Damien Priest & Finn Balor defended their Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championship against Cody Rhodes & Jey Uso.

Jey Uso & Damien Priest begin the match. Jey with a headlock, as Priest went for a shoulder tackle. Priest took him to the corner, Jey escaped and delivers body shots. Jey tags Cody in. Cody with a couple of shots and tags back Jey. Priest with a thunderous clothesline, tags Balor in.

Balor targeted the mid-section of Jey. Jey hit him with a headbutt, and took Balor to their corner, to tag Cody in. Cody with a vertical suplex to Balor & tags back Jey in. Priest blind tagged himself in, and hit Jey with a uppercut and a kick to the back. Balor tags in and both attacked Jey. 

Balor hit a basement drop kick on Jey, tags Priest in. Priest extends Jey's arms, Jey fought back, but Priest threw him down. Balor tags in and locked Jey's neck. Jey stood on his foot, fought back to tag Cody, but Balor pulled him hard. Jey took Balor & Priest and tagged Cody in with a hot tag. Cody delivered a powerslam & disaster kick.

Balor and Cody countered each other's move. Balor delivers Cody with a neck breaker and running drop kick. Balor climbed the top rope, but Cody caught him and hit a Vertical Super-plex from the middle rope. Cody & Priest tagged in. Jey is having the upper hand with a series of punches and a kick to the side of the neck. Jey hit Priest with a Splash and a Cross body.

Priest hit Jey face first to the ground. Priest looks for a Razor powerbomb, but Jey escapes and sends him out. Jey went for a suicide dive on both Balor and Priest. Jey with a Uso Splash and pin, but Balor stopped. Cody delivers a Cody Cutter on Balor. Priest big booted Jey, but Jey hit him with a Spear.

When climbing the top rope, Rhea & Dom walks in. Jey knocked off Dom. Priest took Jey down. Balor tags in and deliver a Coupe de Grace for a cover, but Cody stopped. All the four fight each other. Cody sent Priest out. Balor with a sling blade, Jey fights back, but Rhea attack Jey with the briefcase. Jey kicked the roll down pinfall. Priest on the other hand cleared the commentary desk, and tried to lift Cody over hit, but McDonagh accidentally attacked Priest's bad knee. Cody delivered a Cross Rhodes on Priest through the desk.

Jey delivered a suicide dive on Balor & McDonagh. Jey and Cody delivered a combination of One-D, Cody Cutter to win the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championship.

Winner: Cody Rhodes & Jey Uso Ratings: 4.7/5

LWO vs Bobby Lashley & The Street Profits- Six Man Tag Team Match

Match starts with a Three-on-Two situation, as the third member was not on the ring. Escobar & Ford started the match. Where Escobar sent Ford down and delivered a cross body from the top rope. Ford went for the top rope, Escobar countered with a hurricanrana from top rope, but Lashley broke the pin. Ford tags, Lashley in and he takes control and delivers a delayed vertical suplex.

Dawkins & Rey tagged in, as Rey tried to end things soon by a 619, but Lashley pulled his legs and threw him to the floor. Ford tagged in and hit him with a standing Frog Splash. Ford drove Rey to the turnbuckle and dragged him to their corner. They separated Rey from Escobar, by locking him in this corner. Rey fought back to reach Escobar, but Ford pulled Escobar's leg and took him down.

To counter, Zelina Vega delivered Ford with a Meteora. Rey got punished by Street Profits, but Rey manages to go for a tag, but no one was on his corner to tag in. Carlito music hits and he is the third member of LWO. Rey tagged Carlito in, as he clears the house. Rey & Escobar took Lashley & Dawkins out. Carlito then delivered a Backstabber on Ford for the win.

Winner: LWO Ratings: 4/5

WWE Women’s Championship- Triple Threat Match

As soon as the match started, Charlotte hit a big boot to IYO. Asuka sprayed the mist to the eyes of Flair right away and went for the pin, but IYO broke the pin. Charlotte went out to take the mist out of her eyes, with the help of medical team. As IYO & Asuka fought each other. IYO went for a shoulder tackle and Asuka hit her with a missile drop kick.

Charlotte came back to join the fight, as she big boot Asuka and clearing the house. IYO & Asuka targeted Charlotte, but she outpowers them. IYO locked her with a Cross face, but Flair escaped, just to ger kicked in the head by Asuka.Asuka delivered a suplex to IYO from the top rope & a hit her with sliding kick. Charlotte hit both with a cross body on both and chopped them. Charlotte double suplexed & double clothesline both and showcase absolute domination.

All the three went countering each other's moves and rollup. Asuka hit a hip attack on Flair & pushed IYO to the ropes, but IYO delivered a Suicide dive on Charlotte. IYO hit a moonsault on Asuka, & Charlotte hit a moonsault on both. Charlotte climbed the top rope, & took IYO on her shoulders, where Asuka joined and powerbomb both.

Asuka went for Asuka lock to Charlotte, but countered with a Sharpshooter and Figure-four, Iyo hit Meteora on Charlotte and both Asuka & IYO locked Flair with a couple of Submission Maneuvers. Charlotte escaped and hit Asuka with a spear, but she kicked out at two. IYO is sent out, where Bayley ran to help IYO. Flair locked Asuka with a Figure-Eight, but Bayley distracted the ref. to pave way for IYO SKY. SKY delivered a Moonsault on Charlotte over the bridge and pinned Flair for the win to retain the WWE Women's Championship 

Winner: IYO SKY Ratings: 4/5

John Cena & LA Knight vs The Bloodline (Jimmy Uso & Solo Sikoa)

Pat McAfee came to the ring and introduced John Cena and went to join the commentary desk with Michael Cole & Corey Graves.

John Cena & Jimmy Uso started the match, Cena hit a couple of shoulder tackle on Jimmy. Jimmy tags Solo in. Cena & Solo had face off. Cena hit a couple of Shoulder tackle, but Solo stood still. Solo hit Cena with a uppercut and take him down. Cena was completely dominated by Solo Sikoa & Jimmy Uso, by separating him from tagging Knight.

Solo made Cena hang upside down by locking his leg on the turnbuckle and delivered a headbutt. Jimmy tagged in, Cena fights back, but Jimmy didn't let him tag Knight. He drags Cena to their corner and tags Solo in. Solo went for a running Samoan Splash with Cena sitting on the corner. Solo hit a headbutt, & Spinning kick on Cena and tagged Jimmy in. He had some trash talk with Knight. But Cena delivered an Attitude Adjustment on Jimmy right away.

Cena came close to tag Knight  but Jimmy tagged Solo & he took Knight down. Solo dragged Cena to the corner, climbed the middle rope and sits on Cena a couple of times. Cena tried his best to tag Knight, but Solo took him and went for another sit-out, but Cena had his knees up. Cena somehow tagged Knight in.

Knight is fired-up as he hit flying shoulder tackle on Jimmy and hit him with a backdrop & Neck breaker. Solo took Solo with a DDT. As knight turns back he got super kicked by Jimmy. Knight took Jimmy down with a Powerslam, measured for his signature Elbow drop. However Solo caught him and delivered a Samoan Drop.

Cena hit Solo with a Cross Body from top rope & Jimmy hit Knight with the Uso Splash from the top rope. Knight took both their opponents single handedly, but Solo sent him out of the ring. Cena lifted Solo for an AA, but Jimmy super-kicked him.

Jimmy went to the top rope, but Knight countered with a Super-plex. Cena delivered a Five Knuckle Shuffle & Knight delivered a BFT to Jimmy Uso for the win.

Winner: John Cena & LA Knight Ratings: 4/5

World Heavyweight Championship- Last Man Standing Match

Rollins fired up to have his hands on Nakamura, but he scrolled out. Rollins chased him and took a Kendo Stick. Nakamura however scrolled down and targeted his lower back. Rollins delivered a Suplex outside the ring and removed the mat to expose concrete. Nakamura escaped a powerbomb on the concrete. Rollins took the Steel Stairs and hit him on the face. He sent Nakamura into the ring and threw all the weapons to the ring.

Nakamura took Rollins down with a jumping kick on the apron and knee on back of the neck. Nakamura attacks Rollins with a Nunchucks to the knee. He flips the Trash can on Rollins head and attacked him with Kendo stick strikes. Nakamura choked Rollins with the Nunchuks and Sleeper holds.

Nakamura planned for a Back Exploder, but Rollins countered him with a Sling Blade. Rollins unloaded strikes with Kendo Stick to Nakamura's back & hit the Trash can to the head. He sent Nakamura down, hit him a suicide dive, blew him with the Kendo Strike, running knee and Frog Splash. But Nakamura stood up countered Rollins move and bridges the Table to the corner ropes.

Nakamura tried for a Kinsasha, but landed knee first to the table. Rollins used the opportunity and stomped him, but Nakamura breaks the count. Rollins cleared the commentary desk, introduced ladder with a strike to the mid-section and sets the ladder. He laid Nakamura over the announce table and climbed the ladder, but Nakamura walked out.

Rollins chases him and took Nakamura to the WWE Universe. Rollins took Nakamura on his shoulder, but Nakamura sent him face first to the steel barricade. Nakamura hit a low blow and threw him down from the stands. Rollins somehow beats the count.

Nakamura with chair shots to the lower back of Rollins driving Rollins to the ring. Rollins avoided a chair shot, which landed on the ring post. Rollins plans for a Pedigree on the exposed concrete, but Namakura took Rollins back first to the concrete. Rollins hit Nakamura with a Superkick and Pedigree.

Rollins set the table, but back fired him as Nakamura went for a top rope knee drop, breaking the tables. Rollins broke the count at 9. Nakamura had chair strikes on Rollins back, but he stood at 8. Rollins sent Nakamura face first to the ring post, dragged him to the announcement table, and climbed the ladder. But Nakamura stopped him and sprayed mist to the face of Rollins and pushed him through the announcement table. Rollins broke the count at 9.5.

Nakamura took Rollins to the ring and hit back first to the steel stair & hit him with aa Kinshasa, but Rollins scrolled out of the ring to stood up. Nakamura took Rollins to the audience area again, but Rollins hit a Pedigree over the table and hit him with a stomp. Although it was not enough to win as both stood at 9. Rollins hit Nakamura with a Falcon Arrow breaking the table on the audience side and stood on his feet for the win.

Winner: Seth Rollins Ratings: 4.5/5

Fastlane Results

Cody Rhodes & Jey Uso (C) def. Finn Balor & Damien Priest to win the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championship.

Rey Mysterio, Santos Escobar & Carlito (W) def. Bobby Lashley & Street Profits by Pinfall.

IYO SKY (C) def. Charlotte Flair & Asuka by Pinfall to retain the WWE Women's Championship.

John Cena & LA Knight (W) def. Jimmy Uso & Solo Sikoa by Pinfall.

Seth Rollins (C) def. Shinsuke Nakamura by pinfall to retain the World Heavyweight Championship.
