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Five mistakes WWE made in 2023

Published at :January 1, 2024 at 3:21 PM
Modified at :January 13, 2024 at 11:10 AM
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The WWE universe is no stranger to the thrill of witnessing epic showdowns, awe-inspiring storylines, and the adrenaline rush that only sports entertainment can deliver. In 2023, the squared circle was no less dramatic, hosting moments that left fans cheering in euphoria and scratching their heads in bewilderment. Under the creative helm of Triple H, WWE’s programming experienced a notable upswing in quality, sparking hope for a new era of gripping narratives and electrifying matches.

Despite strides forward, this year wasn’t without its stumbles and fumbles. While Pay-Per-Views continued to dazzle audiences, WWE found itself caught in a whirlwind of controversies and decisions that left a lingering sense of missed opportunities and unfulfilled potential. The landscape boasted promising storylines, from Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens’ alliance to Ronda Rousey’s return, each holding the promise of greatness. However, the aftermath of these narratives often felt lackluster, leaving fans yearning for more.

The Women’s Tag Team division remained a poignant example of unmet expectations. Its potential faded amidst hastily formed partnerships, fleeting title reigns, and a dearth of compelling storylines. This neglect not only affected the tag division but also sidelined talented individuals from pursuing solo success.

From missed title opportunities to an underutilized roster, WWE’s 2023 journey was a mix of triumphs and missteps. As the year unfolded, so did the narrative of success juxtaposed with disappointment, leaving fans eagerly anticipating what the future holds for the world of sports entertainment.

So, here are five mistakes WWE made in 2023:

5. Women’s Tag Team Division not taken with more care

The Women’s Tag Team division feels like it’s been on shaky ground for a while now. But WWE’s decisions regarding it have only made matters worse. They’ve been throwing teams together without much thought, changing titles too quickly, and forgetting to build any compelling storylines. This chaos hasn’t just affected the tag division; it’s diverted talented wrestlers away from their solo careers, which is a shame considering the potential these stars have.

4. Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens momentum just got lost

Remember when Sami Zayn was on fire and teaming up with Kevin Owens to take on the Bloodline? That was a ride! But things have cooled down quite a bit since then. Their tag title run didn’t do much for their characters; they’ve turned into your standard good guys with no depth. It’s a bummer to see such fantastic talents lose their edge.

3. Ronda Rousey’s missed opportunity

Ronda Rousey had all the makings of a dominant force in WWE. She just needed the right packaging and some killer wins. Instead, we got lackluster promos and matches that didn’t do justice to her potential. It’s sad to see her exit in such an underwhelming way after headlining WrestleMania’s first women’s main event.

2. Cody Rhodes’ WrestleMania loss

Cody Rhodes WWE
Cody Rhodes lost against Roman at WrestleMania 39

The buzz around Cody Rhodes was insane leading up to WrestleMania 39. Fans were pumped to see him win, but WWE decided to go a different route, sticking with Roman Reigns. And let’s be real, Reigns’ title run after that hasn’t been as exciting. Maybe giving Rhodes that big win could’ve spiced things up.

1. Lack of Roman Reigns’ title defense

Roman Reigns is killing it as champ, but here’s the catch: he hasn’t defended the title much this year. Just six times since January? That’s not enough to keep the prestige of that Universal Title intact. His time’s been eaten up by the Bloodline story, sidelining crucial title defenses and potentially dampening the significance of his record-breaking reign.

Looking back, these blunders definitely took some wind out of WWE’s sails this year. But hey, learning from mistakes is key, right? Hopefully, they’ll bounce back stronger and give us more of the good stuff in the coming year!

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