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Top 10 times WWE got the Money in the Bank winner wrong

Published at :June 23, 2023 at 9:38 PM
Modified at :June 23, 2023 at 9:38 PM
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Ruby Agarwal

The Money in the Bank (MITB) ladder match has become a staple in WWE's annual pay-per-view lineup, offering a guaranteed championship opportunity to the winner. However, over the years, there have been instances where WWE's decision to crown certain superstars as the MITB winner has left fans scratching their heads. In this article, we take a closer look at 10 times WWE got the MITB winner wrong, leading to unexpected and sometimes disappointing outcomes.

Austin Theory (2022)

The most recent addition to the list is Austin Theory's win at the 2022 Money in the Bank event. While Theory showed promise as a rising star, his sudden victory felt premature and overshadowed other deserving contenders. Fans and critics questioned whether Theory was ready for such a high-profile opportunity, and his subsequent cash-in failed to leave a lasting impact. It became evident that WWE missed the mark with this decision.

Randy Orton (2013)

In 2013, Randy Orton's victory in the MITB ladder match surprised many fans. Although Orton was a decorated superstar, his win felt unnecessary and predictable. Furthermore, his subsequent cash-in on Daniel Bryan during a highly anticipated match at SummerSlam led to a controversial storyline that divided the WWE Universe. This decision undermined Bryan's hard-fought journey and left many disappointed with the outcome.

CM Punk (2008)

In 2008, WWE's choice to have CM Punk win the MITB ladder match seemed like a great move. However, Punk's subsequent cash-in on Edge on an episode of Monday Night Raw felt rushed and didn't live up to the grandeur of the MITB concept. The decision to forego a high-profile pay-per-view cash-in left fans wanting more.

Also Read: Top five best WWE Money in the Bank ladder matches of all time

Otis (2020)

Otis winning the MITB briefcase in 2020 raised eyebrows among fans and critics alike. While his comedic character had gained popularity, the decision to have him win the contract felt like a missed opportunity to elevate a more deserving and established talent. Otis' eventual cash-in on The Miz was mishandled, leading to a lackluster championship reign.

Carmella (2017)

Carmella's first MITB win in 2017 generated controversy as James Ellsworth, a male competitor, helped her secure the briefcase. While Carmella's subsequent cash-in on Charlotte Flair was successful, the reliance on outside interference overshadowed her achievement and undermined the integrity of the match.

Damien Sandow (2013)

In 2013, Damien Sandow won the MITB contract, showcasing his exceptional mic skills and promising future. However, his eventual cash-in on John Cena was unsuccessful, and Sandow's momentum quickly dwindled. This decision failed to capitalize on Sandow's potential and left fans disappointed with the wasted opportunity.

Baron Corbin (2017)

Baron Corbin's MITB win in 2017 was met with mixed reactions. While Corbin had shown promise as a rising star, his cash-in attempt on Jinder Mahal was unsuccessful, leading to a lackluster outcome. This decision undermined the significance of the MITB contract and halted Corbin's momentum without a proper payoff.

Also Read: WWE Money in the Bank: List of all winners

Nikki A.S.H (2021)

In a surprising turn of events, Nikki A.S.H (Almost a Superhero) won the women's MITB ladder match in 2021. While Nikki's underdog story was endearing, her subsequent cash-in and championship reign felt rushed and lacked credibility. The decision to have her capture the title immediately after winning the briefcase didn't allow for a proper build-up or meaningful storyline, leaving fans feeling underwhelmed.

Jack Swagger and Kane (2010)

In 2010, WWE made an unusual decision by having both Jack Swagger and Kane win their respective MITB matches. While Swagger went on to cash in successfully and win the World Heavyweight Championship, Kane's cash-in was unsuccessful. The dual win diluted the uniqueness of the MITB concept and left fans questioning the booking choices.

Brock Lesnar (2019)

In 2019, Brock Lesnar shocked the WWE Universe when he won the men's MITB ladder match despite not even being advertised for the match. This move drew significant backlash from fans who felt that Lesnar, as a part-time performer, didn't need the MITB contract to secure a title opportunity. His subsequent cash-in on Seth Rollins at Extreme Rules felt lackluster, undermining the purpose of the MITB briefcase.


The Money in the Bank concept has provided memorable and career-defining moments for many WWE superstars. However, there have been instances where the creative decisions surrounding the winners of the MITB ladder matches have left fans unsatisfied and questioning the direction of the storylines.

Whether it's through unexpected cash-ins, unsuccessful reigns, or underwhelming storylines, WWE has occasionally missed the mark with its choices. As the MITB event continues to be a highlight on the WWE calendar, fans hope for more consistent and meaningful decisions regarding the winners, ensuring that the concept remains as exciting and impactful as intended.
