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WWE SmackDown Results, Highlights & Winners (January 12, 2024): Randy Orton, AJ Styles & LA Knight destroyed The Bloodline

Published at :January 13, 2024 at 9:35 AM
Modified at :January 13, 2024 at 11:43 AM
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Akash Dhanagaran

Orton, Knight & Styles assaulted The Bloodline, Belair defeated Bayley, Angel & Humberto defeated LWO and more!

The January 12, 2024 episode of Friday Night SmackDown is officially over and it is one of the must watch episodes featuring some of the fall out effects of last week’s SmackDown New Year’s Revolution feud. WWE had produced some of the greatest segments and storyline being build in the ring and on the backstage. Get to know what happened on this week’s episode of SmackDown as we came up with the complete match summary, highlights and winner’s list.

WWE SmackDown Summary & Highlights

The Bloodline

Grayson Waller with Austin Theory kicks out Friday Night SmackDown, as Waller is scheduled to take on Cameron Grimes in a one on one match as a result of last week’s backstage confrontation. However when Grimes about to enter the ring, Solo Sikoa and Jimmy Uso attacked him with a Samoan spike. Waller and Theory retreated while they enter the ring. 

Paul Heyman took the mic in his hands and says that all the attacks doesn’t make them thr bad guy. But Nick Aldis is the bad guy, who made the fatal 4-way match at Royal Rumble to rip the title of Roman Reigns waist. The Bloodline doesn’t want the fatal 4-way match at Royal Rumble.

Aldis pulled the mic from Heyman’s hand and said that the fatal 4-way match is a done deal and they can’t change that. But he instead made a Six Man Tag Team match with all the three members of the Bloodline vs AJ Styles Randy Orton and LA Knight. Heyman said that Roman Reigns is not here and he can’t wrestle. So Aldis asked them to find one for their team or it will be a 3-on-2 handicap match at the main event.

LWO vs Los Lotharios

The match began with all the four members fight in the middle of the ring. After Wilde and Carillo took the fight out, Del Toro and Angel officially start the match inside the ring. Del Toro had a great start by dominating Angel Garza. He took both Angel and Humberto out of the ring and both Del Toro and Wilde went for the top rope suicide dive. As they enter the ring the momentum shifted with Del Toro falling from the ring and Angel took a rinning knee shot on his jaw.

After the commercial, Humberto and Angel teamed up and took Del Toro with an innovative offence. Del Toro managed to tag Wilde and he’s fired up. Wilde delivered a tornado DDT on Angel and went for the top rope, but Angle stopped him. Humberto and Angel threw Wilde with a bench press over head throw from the top rope. Humberto delivered a powerbomb, but Wilde kicks out.

Angel tagged in, Wilde delivered Humberto a poisonrana. Del Toro took Humberto with a spin out of the ring. Carlito music played, and he took Escobar out. While Wilde looks for a roll up, Garza countered and pinned Wilde for the win with the help of the ropes.


Carmelo Hayes wants a place in the Royal Rumble and negotiates it with Nick Aldis. Waller and Theory interrupted them and began arguements with Hayes. Melo claims that he is above Waller and Theory’s level and it eventually made into a match later the same night, where Austin Theory will take on Carmelo Hayes in a singles match.

Logan Paul & Kevin Owens

Logan Paul appeared on a video tape, where he showed the after effects of Kevin Owens knock out punch. He says that if Kevin Owens came with the brace in his hands, the match would be cancelled as he is a “Cheater, Cheater, Pumpkin eater”.

Kevin Owens responds to Logan Paul’s message and invited him next week as a special guest for the Kevin Owens’ Show.

Bianca Belair vs Bayley

Both tried to finish off things with a roll down pinfall too soo . Bayley delivered a clothesline and hammerlocked Belair’s hands on the rope. Belair tries to take Bayley, but she escapes. Belair delivered a overe head throw and a standing moonsault, but not enough for the pinfall.

Belair delivered three powerslams on Bayley and when Bayley countered her next move my sending her face first to the middle rope. Belair stoof and took Bayley for an EST, but Bayley used the ropes and landed on the apron. Belair took Bayley out of the ring, before the commercial.

During the commercial, Bayley sent Belair shoulder first to the ring post and hit a belly ti back suplex to gain control. Bayley locked Belair’s hands behind, ana Belair tries to fight back. Belair fights back and she is fired up. Belair took Bayley with a clothesline and looks for a top rope punch to the face. But Bayley escaped and landed elbow on her back.

Bayley tied Belair’s hair to the bottom rope and tries to knock her of with a running knee, but got tramped with the hair and landed face first to the turnbuckle. Belair untied her hair and tried to break Bayley into half, by extending her back with the ring post.

Belair threw Bayley on the ring post, speared her on the corner, hit a number of punches to the face and looks for a lionsault, but Baylry has her knees up, which Belair caught. Belair stopped her and delivered a lionsault, but not enough.

Bayley soon turned Belair down and hit her with elbow drop from the top rope. Bayley tried to distract referee and wants Damage CTRL to attack Belair, but they regret. Belair delivered a spear and Kiss of Death for the win.

Post match backstage

Damage CTRL were on the backstage, where Bayley came out what just happened with them. Kai took her separate and says that she should handle her own battles in her match earlier and at Royal Rumble and left.

Bobby Lashley & Street Profits- Karrion Kross & AOP

Bobby Lashley & Street Profits are here for a reason, they address last week’s attack from Karrion Kross and AOP. They look to fight them face to face as they handle business that way.Paul Ellering came out and pointed the bug screen, where Karrion Kross sends a message to Lashley and Street Profits stating themselves a sadistic and powerful faction.

Backstage: Paul Heyman

Paul Heyman tried to have Carlito to team up with The Bloodline tonight as that will be cool. Carlito says that he indeed want a fight, but the only one he want to fight is Santos Escobar. Carlito took an apple from Heyman’s hand and walked away.

Pretty Deadly came to fill the vacant spot in the team, but Heyman says that there is only one spot left and they left regretting that.

Paul Heyman wants help from Bobby Lashley to team up with Solo Sikoa and Jimmy Uso. Bobby Lashley says that he indeed want to share ring with The Bloodline, but only against Roman Reigns.

Carmelo Hayes vs Austin Theory

Theory pushed Hayes to the turnbuckle and locks his head. Melo chopped Theory’s chest and took him down. Theory again takes control with a take down. Hayes looks to fight back, Theory jumped to the apron and slides his head in. Where Melo hit him on the head and delivered a leg drop from the middle rope and sends him face first to the apron to gain the initial control before the commercial.

After the commercial, Theory sends Melo face first to the turnbuckle and drop kicks him on the face. Theory looks for a vertical suplex, but Melo delivered a vertical suplex with the helo of the ropes. Melo delivered a flying clothesline from the middle rope and sends Theory face first to the ground. Theory and Melo had a brutal shot from the top rope while performing spanish fly. Referee called out the medical team and stopped the match.

Backstage: The Bloodline

Jimmy Uso asks Paul Heyman who is the third member of their team. Heyman says that no one in SmackDown is ready to team up with The Bloodline. Heyman says that he is confident with Jimmy Uso and Solo Sikoa and is not worried. But Jimmy says that he is worried, however Solo is ready to take them as two and Jimmy is now not worried too.

The Bloodline vs AJ Styles, LA Knight & Randy Orton

Randy Orton makes his way to the ring, where Solo Sikoa attacked him from the back and Samoan Spiked him, to take him out of the match. After Randy Orton is taken out, the match started as a regular tag team match.

AJ Styles and LA Knight argue on who will start the match, where Jimmy attscked them from behind. Knight and Jimmy startrd the match, where Knight delivred a neck breaker and tagged Styles in, both work together and hit Jimmy with a double shoulder tackle. Both had some back to back tag in and took Jimmy Uso out. Solo tried to enter the ring and choke them out, but Knight and Styles took Solo out.

During the commercial, Solo Sikoa and Jimmy Uso took down AJ Styles with a throwdown and sending him face first to the turnbuckle. Sikoa delivred a running Samoan hip attack on the corner and tags Jimmy in. Styles fights back by sending Solo out and clothesline Jimmy Uso. Styles looks to tag Knight, but Knight lands down and took Solo Sikoa by driving him through the steel steps. Styles and Knight argue over why he hesitated to tag in, where Jimmy Superkicked Knight out of the ring.

Styles and Jimmy collided with a double crossbody, as Jimmy tried to tag Solo in, Orton came to the ring and it becames the handicap match. Orton got the tag, took Solo out, hit a DDT and RKO on Jimmy Uso for the win.

Post-Match Assault

After the match Solo attacked Randy Orton from behind and tried to Samoan Spike him again, but Styles hit him with a phenomenal forearm. Knight hit a BFT and Randy hit an RKO on Solo Sikoa. Orton, Styles and Knight work as one and took both Jimmy and Solo out. Orton hit Jimmy with the steel stairs on his face and all the three took Solo Sikoa with a powerbomb through the announcement table. With this week’s episode of Friday Night SmackDown comes to an end.

SmackDown Results

  • Grayson Waller vs Cameron Grimes match got abandoned before start as a result of The Bloodline attack.
  • Angel Garza & Humberto Carillo defeated Joaquin Wilde & Cruz Del Toro by pinfall.
  • Bianca Belair defeated Bayley by pinfall.
  • Kevin Owens calls out Logan Paul for the Kevin Owens Show next week.
  • Bobby Lashley & Street Profits calls out Karrion Kross, but ended in a video message.
  • Carmelo Hayes vs Austin Theory ended in a no contest after referee stoppage.
  • AJ Styles, LA Knight & Randy Orton defeated Solo Sikoa & Jimmy Uso and took The Bloodline out in the after match assault.

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