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Top five times fans made WWE change their booking plans

Published at :February 7, 2024 at 1:18 PM
Modified at :February 7, 2024 at 1:18 PM
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Akash Dhanagaran

Most of these booking changes will go down as the greatest in history

WWE is known for its mind blowing match bookings and creative story tellings, which the company has been doing for so many years. They mostly stick to their plans when it comes to the business. However, in certain situations and by the pressure of fans, WWE changed its original plan. Here are the top five times fans made WWE change their booking plans:

5. Zack Ryder wins The United States Championship

WWE was not impressed with Zack Ryder and absolutely had no booking plans for him in 2011. Zack Ryder was aware of the situation and decided to promote himself as a brand. WWE was not well versed with social media at the time, where Ryder leveraged Twitter and started his own Youtube channel to build the brand. Which created a huge fan base for him and grew surprisingly over, people started chanting his name over and over on live events and extending their support on social media. 

WWE recognized the growth of him and the huge fan following, as a result Ryder was inserted in the United States Championship match at TLC. He won the United States Championship from Dolph Ziggler.

4. CM Punk as main-eventer

CM Punk
CM Punk has one of the best storylines with WWE

When it comes to successful wrestling journeys, CM Punk has one of the best storylines with WWE. CM Punk was on the mid-card, who used to occasionally main event the shows. Although with two successful Money in the Bank cash-ins, Punk had not received the top star spotlight. In 2011 on the road to Money in the Bank, CM Punk delivered a work-shoot promo which completely changed his career.

The promo was well received by WWE fans and is believed to be one of the best talking segments in WWE. CM Punk had tensions with the company, which gained a lot of attention and support from the fans. Meanwhile, Punk won the WWE Championship with a huge home-town pop at Chicago, and his contract expired taking the belt with him. With extended support from WWE fans worldwide, WWE was forced to rehire him and thus became the main eventer till his departure.

3. “The Man” Becky Lynch

Becky Lynch enjoyed the initial success in her career by becoming the first ever SmackDown Women’s Champion. However the reign neither lasted longer nor was memorable. After losing the championship, Becky was stuck in the mid-card of the women’s division as a baby face. In 2018, Becky Lynch, Charlotte Flair and Carmella had a triple threat match for the SmackDown Women’s Championship, where Flair won the match by using Becky’s finisher to pin Carmella.

After the match, Becky Lynch turned on Charlotte to become heel, however fans cheered Lynch for her actions. With rising fan support, Becky remained face and inserted into the winner takes all match at WrestleMania 35 with Ronda Rousey and Charlotte Flair. Where Becky Lynch won and became one of the most successful champions in WWE.

2. Kofi-Mania

In 2019, Mustafa Ali received a quick push in the company and was inserted in every match filled with opportunities. On the way to Elimination Chamber, Ali got injured and Kofi Kingston replaced him at the six-man Elimination Chamber match for the WWE Championship. Kofi’s performance on the Gauntlet match before the PPV and at the Elimination Chamber made him a fan favourite and an ultimate underdog.

Despite his efforts and sacrifice, WWE did not see him as the face of the company. However, with an avalanche of support, Kingston’s opportunity for the WWE Championship shot at WrestleMania became undeniable. Where Kofi had a career redefining victory, marking his first primary championship in the company.

1. Daniel Bryan: WrestleMania XXX

In 2013, Daniel Bryan got the push to the top card to become the WWE Champion by defeating John Cena at SummerSlam. However, his reign ended when Randy Orton cashed in the MITB contract on him. He had a long time feud with Orton and subsequently moved away from the title picture. Meanwhile, Bryan gained a huge fan support and everyone wanted Bryan to win the Royal Rumble and headline WrestleMania XXX. However, the spotlight was stolen by returning Batista.

Bryan fans then went on a riot by entering the ring refusing to leave until Bryan gets a championship opportunity. WWE officials were forced to insert Bryan at the championship match, where Bryan won the match by defeating Batista and Randy Orton to become the WWE World Heavyweight Champion.

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